2012年2月3日 星期五



1)      請上網站- http://winqual.microsoft.com/
2)      請選擇下面之連結Hardware Logo Program -

Windows Logo Programs
Getting your product logo'd is the most effective way for your customers to identify products that work well with Microsoft Windows operating systems.

3)       進入下面網頁請選擇   Getting Started with the Windows Logo Program

Windows Logo Program for Hardware: Overview

The Windows Logo Program is designed to address the current and future market needs of customers using the Windows platform. The Windows logo signifies the compatibility and reliability of systems and devices with the Windows operating system. It gives customers confidence that your product is thoroughly tested with Microsoft-provided tools and ensures a good user experience.
The Windows Logo Program helps partners to innovate and bring a premium experience to market, thereby improving their ability to increase market share. The program strives to continuously improve its processes, responsiveness, and partner satisfaction.

Logo Topics

Step-by-step Windows Logo Program guidelines to follow while you plan and design, develop, test, qualify, and maintain your hardware product.
Information about the Windows Logo Program submission and reporting tools available on the Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual) website.
Resources and information about the requirements and policies for the Windows Logo Program for hardware.
Links to FAQs, events, specifications, references, and other information related to the Windows Logo Program.
Tips on where to get the WLK and how to use it to qualify your product for the Windows Logo Program
4)      進入下面網頁後請依照五個步驟  -  

Getting Started with the Windows Logo Program

If you create hardware products and drivers, Microsoft urges you to qualify your products for the Windows Logo Program to help customers identify quality products that are easy to install and that run without interfering with other components on Windows-based computers.
Plan and Design: Getting Started - How to design for Windows compatibility and reliability from the beginning.
Develop: Getting Started - Microsoft provides the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) to help you build reliable, stable, and secure drivers.
Test: Getting Started - Microsoft provides the Windows Logo Kit (WLK) to help you test your hardware and drivers to ensure that that they qualify for the Windows Logo Program.
Qualify: Getting Started - Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual) provides the services that you use to qualify your products for Microsoft logo programs and to list them in product catalogs.
Maintain: Getting Started - Winqual offers several methods for maintaining and distributing drivers, including the ability for your company to view Windows Error Reporting (WER) data associated with driver failures.
To stay informed about Windows hardware and driver issues:
5)      如果貴公司產品想要取得Logo認証, 首先要購買 Versign ID (付費) 

Plan and Design: Getting Started

Updated: August 7, 2009

Step 1: Get a VeriSign ID.

In order to participate in the Windows Logo Program, you must get a Verisign ID. The Windows Logo Program uses VeriSign to authenticate its partners. You need the VeriSign ID to create a Winqual account. We recommend that you begin the process of obtaining an account early so that you do not run into scheduling issues later.
6)      接著註冊取得Winqual  帳號 (免費)

Steps 2: Sign up for a Winqual account.

The Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual) Web site enables you to qualify hardware devices, software applications, and Web services for the Windows Logo Program. You must establish a Winqual account for your company in order to participate in the Windows Logo Program.
7)      然後需要下載測試工具- WLK 1.6 (免費)

Step 1: Test your product and driver using the Windows Logo Kit.

For Windows Logo Kit download instructions, see How to Get the Windows Logo Kit. For a complete list of logo programs, see Windows Logo Program Test Categories. If you are testing your product for x64 versions of Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2, your driver must be code signed in order to load. For more information, see Kernel-Mode Code Signing Walkthrough.
8)      再下去之步驟及所有相關WHQL Logo 硬體認證事宜及資訊, 皆可在http://winqual.microsoft.com/ 尋得.

l WHQL認證 $250 USD/Item
l 直接聯絡Whqltwn@microsoft.com